Always Un Deux Trois

A 3 hour French class has my brain careening. Dusty, forgotten words are being brushed off as my brain frantically searches among the back shelves for words of high school correspondence courses and French worksheets. But it’s not just searching. It’s a mess. The hard part is leaping over the files of Mongolian that have been…

Selfie Sunday: A Post on Perspective

A photo on our camera caught my eye this morning. It was a picture of my mother; a selfie. It piqued my interest and made me stop. It struck me. Captivated me. I love it. I could write a whole entry on what I read in her face at this moment, but that is a thought…

Mongolia, By the Way

I may have told you. Chances are I didn’t. You may have figured it out; (the few facebook photos would be a strong indicator.) But if your connection to me is mostly via the blogworld, you likely do not know. I AM IN MONGOLIA. 🙂 But that’s NOT ALL! No no, dear friends, I am…

Temple Time

The colours of fall are upon us. This can only mean on thing: FLASH BACK TIME! Rewind four and a half months, location: a world away – Continent: Asia Come with me as we take a tour to… The Gandun/g. Translation: It’s Temple Time. When we were nearing our time in Mongolia, our team took…

Missing Mongolia

Mongolia is haunting me today. It’s unlike my usual longing to see the youth that I worked with there, a group comprised mostly of international missionaries’ kids. Today it is actually Mongolia. I saw pictures of summer there. The season changing has something to do with this, my yearning to be there and see, smell,…

A Morning of Eavesdropping and the Invitation that Follows

I am sitting in Second Cup. I am in my hometown. It is a good morning. An old man caught me observing him and his friend at the table across from me. They have their newspapers out now, but they have been chatting away in Romanian, he told me. To my right, there is a…


I’m going through a min-culture shock – it’s happening all over the city! I honestly don’t recognize places anymore… the landscape is changing. I can hardly comprehend. It’s like another world, amidst the blue and grey and brown and white I am so used to. Green. Here’s your proof! After uploading some late pictures on…

Photo Friday: Punkette

pretty in pink, always. effortlessly i can pick her up with one arm, she is so small. soaking up love with her sunbeam face, i will see her again tomorrow.

Out and About – Art of Ulaanbaatar

There’s nothing quite as delightful as taking a new shortcut through a back alley-road and finding a new great piece of graffiti. The art and colour here found in some of the most unusual places really does make walking through this city a thing of discovery. I will be adding to this collection as time…

Mongolia Mountain

We climbed some really big hills the day before yesterday. Like, really big. So let’s make that a mountain. I climb it, it qualifies! The Story: It was Friday. Friday is team-time day. This time it was team-time-adventure-day. After school in the morning, we dropped by our place for lunch of PB&J or Sausage Sandwiches…

A Selfie Interview: So How’s Mongolia?

An article in which the Annalist’s editor –in-chief, Ms. A. Louise Brown, conducts an interview with the protagonist of this site, one Miss Anna Brown, on the broad topic of “So How’s Mongolia?” _____________ Editor-in-Chief: First of all, thank you for your time! I know our readers are interested in hear from you. It’s not…

Five in a Row: Bodz & Bodily Functions

Part of a series of 5 to give you a glimpse of the last week and why it’s been different than our regular routine. Once upon a Tuesday, it was Sagan-Sar. The day had come. Literally translated, “Sagan-Sar” means “White Month” and is one of the biggest Mongolian holidays in the year: The Lunar New…